Since 1997, ArcHSoc has run a student-led magazine that exhibits, promotes and celebrates history and archaeology student’s work and achievements at Flinders University and beyond.
What can I submit to Dig-it?
Short answer is: anything!!!
Anything related to archaeology and history can be published in Dig-it! This includes essays, reports, fieldwork recounts, book reviews, interviews, photography. You name it!
If you would like to contribute to Dig-it but are unsure of what to do, please reach out and we can help you find a topic. We have a lot of ideas we would like to see published!
What cannot be published in Dig-it?
Submitted work CANNOT be a piece that you have submitted for an assignment.
This however, should not stop you from revamping your existing work into something new.
For example, you have written a fantastic essay you received an excellent grade for and you think it worthy of publication. We would suggest that you start with trimming your work down into a shorter piece and changing your title/topic question.
If you would like some help in changing your work for Dig-it, please reach out to us.
Why should I submit to Dig-it?
Dig-it is a peer-reviewed publication with an ISSN number. This means that anything submitted to Dig-it is a professional pubilcation. If you are seeking to pursue further study (PhD, masters etc.), publications are vitally important when applying for these courses.
So, not only would you be contributing to your local archaeology community, you are professionally developing yourself and increasing your academic portfolio.
When can I submit?
We are always seeking submissions for Dig-it, but there are due dates closer to Dig-it release time.
Feel free to submit for Volume 9, Issue 1.
Is there a word limit?
Not really, but we ask that submissions are kept to around 2500 words. This is a large word count. But don’t let us stop you from writing your heart out.
Do I have to reference?
Yes. Just like submitting an assignment, the AA referencing system applies.
For history students who have not used AA, feel free to use Chicago or APA.
Some pieces won’t have references (like a field school recount or an interview). This is fine.
How do I submit work to Dig-it?
Please submit your work as a Word doc. Don’t worry too much about formatting (that’s our job!)
You can email your work to flindersdigit@gmail.com